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Writer's pictureTedecia Bromfield

Ash by Malinda Lo Review

I had really high hopes for this book and I really, really wanted to love it. The concept of Ash as a retold Cinderella story with the lesbian twist was really alluring for me. Personally, I looove retellings of fairytales, I’m actually a kid at heart and I love books with queer content so of course, when I discovered this book, I immediately became intrigued. SPOILERS BELOW The book started off pretty relatable for me because my mom died last year as well. Both of Ash’s parents die (would it be a fairytale if they hadn’t) and it was heartbreaking as Lo does a pretty good job of demonstrating how deeply wounded Ash became as a result of her parents passing. I loved the storytelling of it, I loved how her mom and her mom’s friends seemed to be witches of sort and the story originally implied that Ash might be one as well. The concept intrigued me. But this is where my interest started to waver. I feel like Lo spent an immeasurable amount of time on the first half of the book talking about things that could have been covered in mere chapters. In summary, the first part of the book includes Ash wandering into a ‘magic’ forest to meet Sidhean where they walk around and chat a lot, I guess (?). Each time I expect that she’ll run away into the forest with him and discover a whole new magical world or at least have some kind of adventure, but I’m always proven wrong. It’s frustrating because I expect these conversations would be the building blocks to carve out Sidhean’s character. We aren’t really given a sound narrative about him. Who is he? What’s his story? Also, who else is in the forest? Why are they so dangerous and why must she stay away? So, then Ash finds her mom’s spell book and it seems like this is going to be pretty fundamental for the development of the plot but, again I’m disappointed as I realize it serves no real purpose. The first half of the book swarms with these plot openings and her stepmother and stepsister often berating her and that’s that. The execution falls so flat. I’m surprised when I find that I’m almost halfway through the book and there’s no development on the lesbian aspect of the storyline.

Lo actually waits until part two of the book to introduce the love interest and personally I like her a lot but we never really get to know her. Its so strange. They meet, hang out a bit and next thing I know they’re in love. Ash recklessly strikes a deal with Sidhean to allow her to sneak out from her step mother’s home and hang out with Kaisa (supposed love interest) at public gatherings where she digs herself deeper and deeper into his debt. This part is especially confusing for me because Ash can see Kaisa anytime she desires. Why does she succumb to these deals that she knows she will later have to pay for? Why is she obsessed with hunting with her and going to the ball to see her when there is no real opposition to seeing her in private? As a matter of fact, Kaisa is the King’s huntress, she’s wealthy and can financially provide for Ash. She has no real reason to remain with her stepmother. I suppose that she’s been stuck in an abusive situation so long that it will be hard for her to simply leave? I don’t know. Its never brought up in the book. So, she continues striking these deals with Sidhean who now tells her she must be his as payment. Prior to this, I had no clue that he even felt romantically for her. To date the love interests are Ash having feelings for Kaisa (pretty suddenly). Sidhean has feelings for Ash (also pretty suddenly). There’s just no building developments, just random occurrences. Now we’re at a ball, and she dances with the prince who becomes infatuated with her and is added to the confusing lovestruck crew as he searches all lands for her. How exactly does this add to the plot? It feels as through Lo simply adds it because it was in the original Cinderella story. At this point I’m waiting for everything to tie together, for everything to make sense and all the loose strings to be tightened but they aren’t. At 5% remaining in the book I still have a million questions, the plot is sped up exponentially and Kaisa and Ash try to find each other (Lo wastes a whole percent of the book on them literally looking for each other) and live happily ever after?

Rating: 3/5

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